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Heading Deva ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ 
Heading Deva's design journey began with the original vision of Francesco Canovaro, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, and Andrea Tartarelli, who meticulously crafted the Heading superfamily. Shrishti Vajpai expanded upon this foundation, bridging the gap between the Latin and Devanagari scripts seamlessly. [...] Heading Deva's design journey began with the original vision of Francesco CanovaroCosimo Lorenzo Pancini, and Andrea Tartarelli, who meticulously crafted the Heading superfamily. Shrishti Vajpai expanded upon this foundation, bridging the gap between the Latin and Devanagari scripts seamlessly. By extending the powerful industrial grotesque skeleton of Heading to Devanagari, Heading Deva creates a visually striking tool to create attention-grabbing headlines, branding, editorial design, or digital interfaces. With its wide range of weights and widths, Heading Deva ensures that designers working with languages using the Devanagari script have the same ease of use and creative possibilities as their Latin counterparts. Embrace the versatility of Heading Deva, and unlock a world of space-saving, expressive typography for the Devanagari script
Heading Deva • 25 styles + variable
Heading Pro AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 
Heading Pro is a typeface family designed by Francesco Canovaro for Zetafonts. [...] Heading Pro is a typeface family designed by Francesco Canovaro for Zetafonts. The original design has been expanded and developed by the Zetafonts Team (Andrea Tartarelli, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, Chiara Ghezzi) in a full type system of 146 variants.   Built around 8 different widths from ultra-compressed to ultra-wide and nine weights from thin to black, Heading Pro provides a wide spectrum of sans serif type solutions to your design problems. Born as a space optimizing typeface for headers and titles, Heading Pro can be used in its ultra-compressed, compressed and normal widths to optimize space on the printed page and on the screen. In these widths Heading Pro excels in titles and subheadings, timetables, name and credit lists and cases of exuberant and excessive copywriting.    Heading Wide and Heading Ultra-Wide are extended width variants that have been added to the original family to be used for titling where style and raw energy matter more than pixel or paper economy. Still keeping the original design of Heading, with a (post) modernist attention to readability and detail, the wide sizes allow you to write strong headlines and play with subheadings and short text blocks. Accompanying italics can provide you with versatility in text use as well as a viable display alternate for bolder weights, with a strong sport/energy feel.   But Heading family is not only made for extreme widths: the original condensed family has been complemented with a range of three medium width variants: Heading Medium, Heading Double and Heading Treble. When you need to pair the extreme display widths with some medium-proportioned text, these three widths allow you to design text block with a fine grain control on appearance and a wide array of open type features.   Each Heading Pro typeface includes over 800 characters with coverage for 100+ languages using Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. A full array of open-type features is included in each weight including stylistic alternates, small caps, oldstyle and tabular numerals and positional figures.
Heading Pro • 146 styles + variable
Marcovaldo AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 
Developed by Andrea Tartarelli as an extension to Calvino typeface family, Marcovaldo is a heavy condensed wedge serif, optimized for display design. The high contrast and rich texture of the old style letterforms marry digital aesthetics in a typeface that is at the same time impactful and refined. With its nod to the Elzevir and DeVinne tradition, it tries to translate typographically the value of Visibility that Italian writer Italo Calvino [...] Developed by Andrea Tartarelli as an extension to Calvino typeface family, Marcovaldo is a heavy condensed wedge serif, optimized for display design. The high contrast and rich texture of the old style letterforms marry digital aesthetics in a typeface that is at the same time impactful and refined. With its nod to the Elzevir and DeVinne tradition, it tries to translate typographically the value of Visibility that Italian writer Italo Calvino had described in his masterpiece Six Memos for the Next Millennium.
Marcovaldo • 1 styles
Monterchi AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz1234567890 
In 1459, while visiting his dying mother, italian painter Piero della Francesca spent seven days creating a fresco of a pregnant madonna in a small country church in the hilltown of Monterchi (Italy). Hailed today as one of the masterpieces of Italian Renaissance, the fresco was given a new branding in 2019 by Art Director Riccardo Falcinelli who asked the Zetafonts team to develop a custom font for the project.The resulting typeface system, [...] In 1459, while visiting his dying mother, italian painter Piero della Francesca spent seven days creating a fresco of a pregnant madonna in a small country church in the hilltown of Monterchi (Italy). Hailed today as one of the masterpieces of Italian Renaissance, the fresco was given a new branding in 2019 by Art Director Riccardo Falcinelli who asked the Zetafonts team to develop a custom font for the project.The resulting typeface system, designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini together with Andrea Tartarelli and Maria Chiara Fantini as a rework of Francesco Canovaro original Beatrix Antiqua, is a 50-weights ode to the beauty of classical roman letterforms, that pairs elegant alternates and quirky ligatures with an array of design options for clear and effective editorial, signage, logo and wayfinding design. The base display family, Monterchi, allows endless design expressions with a range of six weights from the slender thin to the strong extrabold, all with matching italics and an array of over one hundred discretionary ligatures. A fine-tuned companion Monterchi Text has been developed to excel in body use, with a larger x-height and wider spacing - clear and legible even at small sizes. The use range of the family is enriched by Monterchi Serif and Monterchi Sans that feature different contemporary interpretations of the same classical geometric skeleton, allowing for layered editorial design and variation. All the fifty fonts in the Monterchi Type System feature an extended character set of over 1100 glyphs covering over 200 languages using the Latin alphabet, as well as Greek and Russian Cyrillic. Open Type features include small caps, positional figures, alternate letterforms, stylistic sets and discretionary ligatures. With his elegant, historical aesthetic, Monterchi embodies the spirit of early Renaissance and the humanist obsession with constructed and geometric beauty - still managing to function as a workhorse family, ready to help any designer in need of a timeless classic look, or looking for the right ligature to transform a simple word into a striking wordmark.
Monterchi • 50 styles
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