devanagari Script

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हएअडइनग डएवअ ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ 
Heading Deva's design journey began with the original vision of Francesco Canovaro, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, and Andrea Tartarelli, who meticulously crafted the Heading superfamily. Shrishti Vajpai expanded upon this foundation, bridging the gap between the Latin and Devanagari scripts seamlessly. [...] Heading Deva's design journey began with the original vision of Francesco CanovaroCosimo Lorenzo Pancini, and Andrea Tartarelli, who meticulously crafted the Heading superfamily. Shrishti Vajpai expanded upon this foundation, bridging the gap between the Latin and Devanagari scripts seamlessly. By extending the powerful industrial grotesque skeleton of Heading to Devanagari, Heading Deva creates a visually striking tool to create attention-grabbing headlines, branding, editorial design, or digital interfaces. With its wide range of weights and widths, Heading Deva ensures that designers working with languages using the Devanagari script have the same ease of use and creative possibilities as their Latin counterparts. Embrace the versatility of Heading Deva, and unlock a world of space-saving, expressive typography for the Devanagari script
Heading Deva • 25 styles + variable
सतअडइओ नओव डएवअ ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऽक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿ 
Stadio Deva's brings the original vision of Aldo Novarese for Stadio into the realm of devanagari script. The typeface, designed for rub transfers and digitized only in 2020, one hundred years after the birth of the italian type design master, has been adapted by Shrishti Vajpai with the desire to bring on the legacy of Aldo Novarese and make his work known to a new public. Following on the work done by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Andrea [...] Stadio Deva's brings the original vision of Aldo Novarese for Stadio into the realm of devanagari script. The typeface, designed for rub transfers and digitized only in 2020, one hundred years after the birth of the italian type design master, has been adapted by Shrishti Vajpai with the desire to bring on the legacy of Aldo Novarese and make his work known to a new public. Following on the work done by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Andrea Tartarelli on the latin revival, Shrishti Vajpai tried to bridge the gap between the Latin and Devanagari scripts, extending the quirky reverse contrast skeleton of Stadio to the hindic scripts. With his peculiar, vernacular-inspired energy, Stadio Deva wants to be a striking tool to create attention-grabbing display-oriented typography for headlines, branding, editorial design, or packaging. Embrace the style of Stadio Deva, and unlock a world of space-saving, expressive typography for the Devanagari script!
Stadio Now Deva • 7 styles + variable
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