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start from $98.9 $322.2 69%OFF
4 styles
start from $87.7 $173.3 49%OFF
4 styles
start from $87.7 $173.3 49%OFF
19 styles
Full Family
start from $166.7 $669 75%OFF

Erotique Monoline

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Regular

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Medium

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Bold

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Monoline

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Alternate Monoline

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Alternate Regular

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Alternate Medium

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Alternate Bold

Start from $ 43.3 (€ 39)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Ornaments Regular


Erotique Sans Regular

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Medium

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Bold

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Text Regular

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Alternate Monoline

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Alternate Regular

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Alternate Medium

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Alternate Bold

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Erotique Sans Flourishes Regular

Start from $ 32.2 (€ 29)
The conversion euro/dollar is updated every day using 'European Central Bank (www.ecb.europa.eu)' exchange rate. Paypal can apply a different exchange rate

Available Formats

Desktop Licenses


Extended Licenses

Designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Mariachiara Fantini part of Love Bundle SET released in 2020
With Solenn Bordeau and Andrea Tartarelli
Designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Mariachiara Fantini with the help of Solenn Bordeau, Erotique is an evolution of the original design by Zetafonts for Lovelace, that challenges its romantic curves with the glitchty & fluid aestethic of transmodern neo-brutalist typography. The seductive "evil serif" look of the Pheimester-like Oldstyle letter shapes is made edgier by the quirky connections and unexpected calligraphic twirls that marry digital distortions to traditional penmanship. Sensuous but sharp, Erotique speaks the language of teasing, and unrequited love, over-the-top and restrained like a show of japanese Kinbaku, and beautifully heartbreaking like a friendzone valentine.  Designed for display use, this high-contrast serif typeface is ready to take center stage in projects where a subtle elegance and an edgy, aggressive touch are required. For branding use it is paired by a Erotique Ornaments, a set of interlocking patterns based on the font letter-shapes, allowing for striking packaging, digital and ambient design. For editorial use it can add a sharp  SHOW ALL

Designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Mariachiara Fantini with the help of Solenn Bordeau, Erotique is an evolution of the original design by Zetafonts for Lovelace, that challenges its romantic curves with the glitchty & fluid aestethic of transmodern neo-brutalist typography. The seductive "evil serif" look of the Pheimester-like Oldstyle letter shapes is made edgier by the quirky connections and unexpected calligraphic twirls that marry digital distortions to traditional penmanship. Sensuous but sharp, Erotique speaks the language of teasing, and unrequited love, over-the-top and restrained like a show of japanese Kinbaku, and beautifully heartbreaking like a friendzone valentine. 

Designed for display use, this high-contrast serif typeface is ready to take center stage in projects where a subtle elegance and an edgy, aggressive touch are required. For branding use it is paired by a Erotique Ornaments, a set of interlocking patterns based on the font letter-shapes, allowing for striking packaging, digital and ambient design. For editorial use it can add a sharp sensuality to logos and titles thanks to an impressive array of alternate glyphs, subtle ligatures and a set of whiplike fleurons, collected in the Erotique Flourishes pack. The typeface has been developed in the regularmedium and bold weight plus a monoline version, all of which have been paired with an Alternate version to give immediate access the more exotic alternate letterforms. 

With a character set of over five hundred glyphs, all the the weights of Erotique cover almost 200 languages using extended latin, and include advanced Open Type features as Stylistic Alternates, Standard and Discretionary Ligatures, Positional Numerals, Swash and Case Sensitive Forms. If you are a typeface lover, be warned: Erotique could be your fatal attraction!



  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
  • E
    Erotique Text Regular


  • flea
    Standard Ligatures
  • {[C&G]}
    Case-Sensitive Forms
  • fakir
    Discretionary Ligatures
  • CEGN
    Stylistic Alternates
  • eg&kq
    Stylistic Set 1
  • eg
    Stylistic Set 2
  • stad
    Stylistic Set 3
  • a
    Stylistic Set 5
  • i
    Stylistic Set 6
  • CEFG
    Stylistic Set 7
  • GSTX
    Stylistic Set 8
  • GSTX
    Stylistic Set 9
  • ya
  • 12/23
  • 1a 2o
  • 12360
    Oldstyle Figures
  • 1234
    Tabular Figures
  • H123
  • H123
  • H123
  • H123
    Scientific Inferiors
  • H123
    uppercase dlig
  • foxi
    lowercase dlig
Erotique Medium

European languages

Erotique Monoline

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary.

Erotique Text Regular

The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words. If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual languages. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators. To achieve this, it would be necessary to have uniform grammar, pronunciation and more common words. If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual languages. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary.


  • E
  • E
  • E

Unicode Charset:

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